Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995 and International Diplomacy

  • Zijad Šehić Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo
Keywords: Yugoslavia, nationalism, hegemonic projects, Bosnia and Herzegovina, war, international diplomacy


The paper discusses the relations in the Yugoslav federation following the renaissance of nationalism and the period of post-communist emancipation, the revival of hegemonic projects and the effect they had on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina after the federation had disintegrated. Parallel to the military and political events that took place in the period between 1992 and 1995, the paper also deals with the activities of international diplomacy.

How to Cite
Šehić, Z. 2008. Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995 and International Diplomacy. Bosnian Studies: Journal for Research of Bosnian Thought and Culture. 2, 1 (Jun. 2008), 58-83. DOI: