Citizen's Right to Self-determination vs. Collective Right to Self-determination: a Bosnian tale

  • Asim Mujkić Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo
Keywords: individual self-determination, collective self-determination, liberal democracy


The implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement, and especially the Dayton Constitution has become a vehicle for constitutional protection of collectivist ethnopolitical practice of discriminatory subordination of citizens on basis of their ethnic «kinship» or their religious affiliation. Therefore, it is important to explore possibilities of re-focusing the attention from a collective-rights-oriented to an individual-rights-oriented political arrangement as possible mode for accommodation of ethnic differences in Bosnia. Furthermore, I intend to claim that every attempt to institutionalize ethnic differences in the political arena generates an untenable crisis with the prospects of possible war.

How to Cite
Mujkić, A. 2008. Citizen’s Right to Self-determination vs. Collective Right to Self-determination: a Bosnian tale. Bosnian Studies: Journal for Research of Bosnian Thought and Culture. 2, 1 (Jun. 2008), 46-56. DOI:
Political Sciences