About Bosnian Studies

General information                                                

Bosnian studies: Journal for Research of Bosnian Thought and Culture/Časopis za istraživanje bosanske misli i culture (ISSN 1840-3204) is a scientific journal peer-reviewed open-access journal of the Bosnian Cultural Community “Preporod”, Bosnia and Herzegovina initiated in 2007. The Bosnian studies journal represent a platform for the intellectual debate about the key social, cultural and political issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the Journal is to explore, define, reconsider and present new and challenging research in or about Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area of social sciences and humanities to both academic and non-academic audience.


Benefits to authors

We provide authors with many benefits such as free PDFs, special discount on Journal’s hardcopy, and free access to online copy of Journal’s previous issues.


Abstracting and Indexing

 Bosnian Studies Journal currently has been indexed in: 

Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)

Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD)

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)



Open Access: articles are freely available to readers immediately after publication.

Newsletter: more than 1,000 registered users receive a newsletter tailored to their field of interest. Subscribe here.

Social media: articles are promoted through various social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook)

Advanced online: all accepted articles are published Advanced online and Ahead of print.

Print circulation: 300 copies of print issues are sent to major libraries, institutes, universities, conferences, and subscribers across the globe.


Publication timeline

  • Time to First Editorial Decision (Rejection or Peer Review): 7 days
  • Time to First Decision after review (Rejection or Revision or Acceptance): 40 days
  • Time from Acceptance to Publication: 7 days (if no significant language editing is required)