About the Journal
Bosnian studies: Journal for Research of Bosnian Thought and Culture (ISSN 1840-3204) is a scientific peer-reviewed open-access journal of the Bosnian Cultural Community “Preporod”, Bosnia and Herzegovina initiated in 2007. The Bosnian studies journal represent a platform for the intellectual debate about the key social, cultural and political issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the Journal is to explore, define, reconsider and present new and challenging research in or about Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area of social sciences and humanities to both academic and non-academic audience.
Bosnian Studies Journal aims to promote interdisciplinary studies that cross many disciplinary boundaries to create a new approach in understanding and interpreting the social, cultural and political life in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We invite scholars interested in transcending classical scholarship to submit their manuscripts to Journal, following the submission policies:
Focus and Scope
Bosnian Studies aims to reach readers across different social sciences and humanities. Bosnian Studies journal publishes original scientific articles and book reviews across various disciplines such as sociology, economy, political sciences and other fields of social sciences, in addition journal publishes articles in literature studies, cultural studies, anthropology, history and other relevant disciplines within the humanities that focus on the Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Peer review
Upon manuscript submission, it is assigned to the appropriate editor based on the subject of the manuscript. Editor makes his/her decision within seven (7) days if the submitted article is sufficient in quality and corresponds to the scope of the Journal. If the manuscript fails to fulfil the above criteria, Editor rejects the manuscript.
When editor determines that submitted manuscript falls within the scope of the journal and is of sufficient quality, he/she forwards manuscript to a minimum two (2) and maximum (4) reviewers for peer-review process. Once reviewers complete review they submit reports on the manuscript with their recommendation to the editor. The reviewers decision should be made in line with one of the following possibilities:
- Accept submission
- Revision required:
- Accept after minor revisions (Does not require new peer-review)
- Accept after major revisions (requires a new peer-review)
- Decline submission (Reject as not sufficient in quality or novelty)
After all reviewers submit their reports, editor makes the decision in accordance to the reviewers suggestions. This process usually takes up to the forty (40) days upon submission and initial editor’s decision. After the manuscript is accepted for publishing it is assigned with DOI number and published online within seven (7) days in Advanced online section of the Bosnian Studies.
When the revision is required for the submitted manuscript, Editor informs authors to make corrections according to the reviewers’ suggestions and to resubmit their manuscripts after it is done. If the decision is “Accept after minor revisions,” author(s) have to resubmit their manuscripts within three weeks, while manuscript that require major revisions have to be submitted within three months.
If two or more reviewers decline submission, or if the editor makes such decision the rejection of article is immediate without possibility to re-submit it to the Bosnia studies journal. Based on the editorial workflow policies, the editor has right to reject article because of inappropriateness of the subject, lack of quality or inconsistency of the results/findings. Editor cannot assign himself/herself as the external reviewer of the manuscript in order to ensure high-quality and unbiased peer-review. Additionally, any manuscript accepted to be published in the Journal must be recommended by a minimum of two external reviewers.
Bosnian studies apply double-blind peer-review process, which means that neither the author know who the reviewers are, nor the reviewers have information who the author(s) are.
Publication Frequency
Bosnian studies: Journal for Research of Bosnian Thought and Culture is published twice a year: June and December. Also, Bosnian Studies can have a Special Issue which can be published based on the Editorial board decision.
Open Access Policy
Bosnian studies provides immediate open access to its content aiming to contribute to the global exchange of knowledge through making its research immediately available to the public.
Articles published in Bosnian Studies are permanently stored in full text in Journal archive at: ibs.preporod.ba/Bosnian-Studies, CLOCKSS, LOCKKSS and other reputable digital libraries and directories such as CEEOL, ROAD etc.
Plagiarism policy
The plagiarism as well as self-plagiarism is not allowed and Bosnian studies apply zero-tolerance towards such cases, in addition, Bosnian studies follow and apply COPE guidelines in regulating this matter, available at: https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines.
Bosnian Studies use the most appropriate software solution for cross checking of the similarities and overlapping of the submitted articles, such as: iThenticate/Crosschek, etc.
Bosnian Studies Journal Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Bosnian Studies: Journal for Research of Bosnian Thought and Culture apply the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement based on the: Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) -- http://publicationethics.org/; American Educational Research Association (AERA): http://www.aera.net/Portals/38/docs/About_AERA/CodeOfEthics(1).pdf; American Political Science Association (APSA) http://www.apsanet.org/content_9350.cfm; American Psychological Association (APA) http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx; British Educational Research Association (BERA) http://www.bera.ac.uk/publications/Ethical%20Guidelines. Therefore, the Journal is committed to ensure and uphold the integrity of all published articles, whereby such values also rely on editors, reviewers, contributors and authors who are expected to behave ethically. The following ethical guidelines are only intended to give a broad overview but if you have any questions or concerns please also feel free to contact the Editor of the Journal, or you can email us at institut@preporod.ba.
Bosnian Studies journal is committed to maintain the editorial independence of journal editors, support journal editors in ethical and academic matters, ensure critical and objective assessment of all articles by reviewers and referees, and keep an accurate and transparent record, including publishing corrections and retractions when necessary.
Authors should ensure that their article is original and authored by them, has not been previously published, it contains original ideas, data, findings and materials taken from other sources (including their own published writing) are properly documented and cited, their work does not violate any rights of others, including privacy rights and intellectual property rights. In addition, authors must ensure that their data is their won, true and not manipulated, and any real or apparent conflicting or competing interest is clearly stated to the Bosnian Studies, including funding of the research and article. They adhere to all research ethics guidelines of their discipline; they contact the Editor to identify and correct any errors prior or subsequent to publication of their work, and authorship and/or co-authorship of the paper is accurately represented.
Reviewers must keep the confidentiality of the review process, alert the Bosnian Studies of any competing interest that could affect the impartiality of their reviewing, conduct themselves fairly and impartially and act objectively and fairly in reviewing submitted articles.
Editors should promote consistent ethical policies of Bosnian Studies, enforce policies in a fair and consistent manner, ensure the confidentiality of the reviewing process, uphold integrity in their work as editors of the journal. Editors are doing away with any personal interest or gain; work with authors, reviewers and the Editorial Board members to ensure the implementation of journals’ ethics and publishing policies.
Conflict of Interests Policy
Authors must disclose any potential relations or interest that could have direct or indirect influence or make bias on the work itself, such as research grants and funding agencies, support for attending conferences, symposiums or educational programs, held position within organization of the research subject, multiple affiliations, etc. Corresponding author is responsible for collecting of conflict of interest disclosure form from all authors.
Additional Resources:
- Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) -- http://publicationethics.org/
- American Educational Research Association (AERA):http://www.aera.net/Portals/38/docs/About_AERA/CodeOfEthics(1).pdf
- American Political Science Association (APSA) --http://www.apsanet.org/content_9350.cfm
- American Psychological Association (APA) --http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx
- British Educational Research Association (BERA) --http://www.bera.ac.uk/publications/Ethical%20Guidelines
Updated January 2020